Aliénor Lutherie - Recepción
Professional training dedicated to the directors, secretaries, professors, administrators of conservatories and music schoolsWe found that many professionals involved in musical instruments do not have dedicated and adequate professional training.

We have remedied it!


Instrumental Park Maintenance and Management (Bowed Strings) Level 1






·         Session 1

o    Identification of the different instruments

o    Fundamentals of violin making: operation of the sound production of the instrument

o    Identification of small violin sizes

o    Identification of small viola sizes

o    Identification of small cello sizes

o    Identification of small sizes of double bass

o    How to store an instrument

o    How to move an instrument (in and out of school)

o    Identification of the bows of the different instruments

o    Basics of bow making: operation and maintenance of the bow

o    Identification of violin bows

o    Identification of viola bows

o    Identification of cello bows

o    Identification of double bass bows

·         Break

·         Session 2

o    Notions of tuning an instrument: what is a well tuned instrument?

o    General maintenance of the instrument

o    Strings: influence, wear, service life

o    About the bridge (wear and maintenance)

o    About the touch (wear and maintenance)

o    About the ankles (wear and maintenance)

o    About tailpiece and turnbuckles

o    Peeling off: utility, identification, diagnosis

o    Main breaks (table, bottom, splints, handle) and their impact

·         Break

·         Session 3

o    Practical cases and questions



II   – Duration of the training, number of participants


This training is for a period of 7 hours except meal break.


The maximum number of participants per session is

 10 people



III  Registration and cost


The cost of the training, object of the present, amounts to 560 € HT / participant

Payment upon registration. This sum covers the full costs incurred by the training organization for this session. 

To register send an email to

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