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En revanche voici quelques produits que vous trouverez dans les sous-categories :

#NameDescriptionCategoryPictureUnit Price (€ any included tax)Quantity 
1Dominant Alto medium 4-C/Ut C synthetic core argent wound string for viola, medium tension. The DOMINANT st 
Complete description... Dominant Alto medium 4-C/Ut
Viola / Strings [Dominant Alto medium 4-C/Ut]56.00 €
82.50 €
2Cantiga Alto medium Set/Jeu la cantiga  
Complete description... Cantiga Alto medium Set/Jeu la cantiga
Viola / Strings [Cantiga Alto medium Set/Jeu la cantiga]106.20 €
155.25 €
3Cantiga Alto strong 4-C/Ut  
Complete description... Cantiga Alto strong 4-C/Ut
Viola / Strings [Cantiga Alto strong 4-C/Ut]30.25 €
42.00 €
4Pro Arte Alto strong Set/Jeu Set strings for viola, heavy tension. Pro-Arté synthetic core viola strings hav 
Complete description... Pro Arte Alto strong Set/Jeu
Viola / Strings [Pro Arte Alto strong Set/Jeu]77.20 €
119.50 €
5Etui Alto Bam ARTISTO 41.5 Gris Weight : 3,8 kg Inside dimensions : Total Length: 73,5 cm Body Length: 4 
Complete description... Etui Alto Bam ARTISTO 41.5 Gris
Viola / Cases [Etui Alto Bam ARTISTO 41.5 Gris]290.00 €
322.00 €
6Helicore Alto 38-40cm 1-A/La A aluminium wound for viola long scale, medium tension. Multi-strand twisted st 
Complete description... Helicore Alto 38-40cm 1-A/La
Viola / Strings [No picture available.]20.35 €
30.00 €
7Eudoxa-Aricore Alto 1-A/La 13-1/2 A aluminium on perlon string for viola, 13-1/2 tension. • The Eudoxa/Aricore A  
Complete description... Eudoxa-Aricore Alto 1-A/La 13-1/2
Viola / Strings [Eudoxa-Aricore Alto 1-A/La 13-1/2]25.15 €
37.00 €
8Etui Alto Bam STYLUS Forme 41.5 Noir Weight : 3,2 kg Inside dimensions : Total Length: 73,5 cm Body Length: 4 
Complete description... Etui Alto Bam STYLUS Forme 41.5 Noir
Viola / Cases [Etui Alto Bam STYLUS Forme 41.5 Noir]292.00 €
325.00 €
9Crystal Alto medium 4-C/Ut C string for viola, medium tension. The know-how has allowed CORELLI to develop 
Complete description... Crystal Alto medium 4-C/Ut
Viola / Strings [Crystal Alto medium 4-C/Ut]28.60 €
39.75 €
10Jargar Alto medium 3-G/Sol argent G silver wound string for viola, medium tension. • Jargar viola strings are mad 
Complete description... Jargar Alto medium 3-G/Sol argent
Viola / Strings [Jargar Alto medium 3-G/Sol argent]19.20 €
27.25 €