Eudoxa-Aricore Violon 2-A/La 13-1/4
Referencia :
Designación :
Eudoxa-Aricore Violon 2-A/La 13-1/4
Marca :
Descripción :
A aluminium on perlon string for violin, 13-1/4 tension.
• The Eudoxa/Aricore A is ideal for use in a set with gut core strings.
• Pirastro - Aricore was Pirastro's first synthetic core string.
• The tone is quite warm and dark with very little edge to the sound. While they can sound very dull on some instruments, they may be a good choice for an instrument that has a shrill and hard tone.
• Synthetic based strings offering warm and soft sound with an immediate response.
• The Eudoxa/Aricore A is ideal for use in a set with gut core strings.
• Pirastro - Aricore was Pirastro's first synthetic core string.
• The tone is quite warm and dark with very little edge to the sound. While they can sound very dull on some instruments, they may be a good choice for an instrument that has a shrill and hard tone.
• Synthetic based strings offering warm and soft sound with an immediate response.
Categoría :
Violin / Cuerdas
Precio (€ TTC/todo incluido) :
31.00 € 45.55 € ( = 25.83 € HT)
Algunas informaciones suplementarias...

Materiales :
perlon filé aluminium
Definición :
La clair, assez brillant, bien timbré, facile à jouer. Puissance agréable.
Voltaje(s) disponible(s) (solo tamaño completo) :
13-1/4, 13-1/2, 13-3/4, 14
Tipo de atadura. :
Color básico del hilado de abajo (del lado de la cola) :
Color del trenzado de abajo (del lado de la cola) :
Azul Oscuro
Color de top básico (lado del tobillo) :
Acondicionamiento :
De largo
Tono :

Potencia :

Velouté :

Brillance :

Claridad / Definición :

Adaptación :

Flexibilidad :

Relación calidad-precio :

Palabras claves :
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