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Aquila Violon Boeuf medium 4-G/Sol 11F

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35.27 € 

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Name :
Aquila Violon Boeuf medium 4-G/Sol 11F
Brand :
Description :
gauge : 1.60 mm equivalent gut
tension : medium
material : wounded beef gut
length : 55 cm

Varnished and smooth gut strings in which we combine the best of our knowledge in the field of historical Italian string-making together with modern treatments, in order to improve the stability to climate change as well as providing a high durability over time.
Category :
Violin / Baroquo Violin Strings
Price (€ any included tax) :
35.27 €   ( = 29.39 € HT)

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Keywords : CV-AQUILA BEEF G/Sol 11F Aquila Violon Boeuf medium 4-G/Sol 11F 11F Aquila Ball In length

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