Helicore Alto 38-40cm 4-C/Ut
Reference :
CA-DAD HEL Ut M 38-40
Name :
Helicore Alto 38-40cm 4-C/Ut
Brand :
Description :
C tungsten wound for viola long scale, medium tension.
Multi-strand twisted steel core strings with damping resins under selected windings which results in a sound much warmer and richer than steel strings of the past. Particularly stable tuning and long life. Wound with aluminium, titanium,silver, tungsten (vla & vcl)
Multi-strand twisted steel core strings with damping resins under selected windings which results in a sound much warmer and richer than steel strings of the past. Particularly stable tuning and long life. Wound with aluminium, titanium,silver, tungsten (vla & vcl)
Category :
Viola / Strings
Price (€ any included tax) :
31.30 € 46.00 € ( = 26.08 € HT)
Additional information...

Definition :
Do un peu souple, mais bien timbré. Manque de puissance.
Other sizes :
diapazon moins de 38cm
Available Tensions (full size only) :
Type of attach :
Main color of the bottom of the string :
Dark blue
Color of the torsade of the bottom of the string :
Main color of the top of the string :
Light purple
Packaging :
Tone :

Power :

Softness :

Shine :

Clarity / Definition :

Grinding :

Flexibility :

Value for money :

Keywords :
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