Corelli Violoncelle 4-C/Do 454D boyau/argent FS
Reference :
CVC-COR Ut boyau/argent 454D
Name :
Corelli Violoncelle 4-C/Do 454D boyau/argent FS
Brand :
Description :
C silver wound gut string for cello, medium tension.
The gut wound strings using the same innovative technology that wound on steel strings thus enhancing the rich sound of gut, and giving them faster response, power and projection.
The 450 series uses son more traditional metal such as aluminum and silver.
The gut wound strings using the same innovative technology that wound on steel strings thus enhancing the rich sound of gut, and giving them faster response, power and projection.
The 450 series uses son more traditional metal such as aluminum and silver.
Category :
Cello / Strings
Price (€ any included tax) :
95.40 € 132.50 € ( = 79.50 € HT)
Additional information...
Available Tensions (full size only) :
Type of attach :
Main color of the bottom of the string :
Color of the torsade of the bottom of the string :
Main color of the top of the string :
Packaging :
Tone :
Power :
Softness :
Shine :
Clarity / Definition :
Grinding :
Flexibility :
Value for money :
Keywords :
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