Crystal Violon medium 1-E/Mi boule
Referencia :
Designación :
Crystal Violon medium 1-E/Mi boule
Marca :
Descripción :
MI(E) ball plain steel for violin, medium tension.
The Corelli Crystal have a natural warm and nevertheless rich tone.
Due to their sounding characteristics, the Corelli Crystal strings can be mixed with steel as well as gut strings or even with Corelli Alliance Vivace strings. This advantage offers additional possibilities of balance ot the instrument and sound.
The Corelli Crystal have a natural warm and nevertheless rich tone.
Due to their sounding characteristics, the Corelli Crystal strings can be mixed with steel as well as gut strings or even with Corelli Alliance Vivace strings. This advantage offers additional possibilities of balance ot the instrument and sound.
Categoría :
Violin / Cuerdas
Precio (€ TTC/todo incluido) :
4.15 € 5.75 € ( = 3.46 € HT)
Algunas informaciones suplementarias...
Otras tallas :
1/2, 3/4
Voltaje(s) disponible(s) (solo tamaño completo) :
faible, medium, fort
Tipo de atadura. :
Color básico del hilado de abajo (del lado de la cola) :
Azul Oscuro
Color de top básico (lado del tobillo) :
Azul Oscuro
Acondicionamiento :
Tono :
Potencia :
Velouté :
Brillance :
Claridad / Definición :
Adaptación :
Flexibilidad :
Relación calidad-precio :
Palabras claves :
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