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Obligato V 1/2-3/4 4-G/Sol

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28.90 € 42.50 €

Selección del número de artículos :

Referencia :
CV-PIR OBL Sol 1/2-3/4
Designación :
Obligato V 1/2-3/4 4-G/Sol
Marca :
Descripción :
G silver string for 3/4-1/2, medium tension.
Sound Characteristics
• Obligatos possess a warm rich, sonorous tone quality; they are precise and focused.
• Impressive amount of volume.
• Very dynamic response.
• Excellent uniformity across all strings.
• Pliable feel under the finger.
The advantage of this new core material over nylon, carbon and steel is, that it offers a wider range of sounds.
Due to their lower tension than the Evah Pirazzi strings,
Obligatos are suitable for almost all instruments. They are also suitable for instruments with a rather bright sound character.
Obligatos might also be the right choice if playing pp with other strings is not bringing out the best of the instrument.
Categoría :
Violin / Cuerdas
Precio (€ TTC/todo incluido) :
28.90 € 42.50 €  ( = 24.08 € HT)

Algunas informaciones suplementarias...

Materiales :
Tipo de atadura. :
Color básico del hilado de abajo (del lado de la cola) :
Color del trenzado de abajo (del lado de la cola) :
Color de top básico (lado del tobillo) :
Anillo de color superior (lado del tobillo) :
Acondicionamiento :
Tono :
Note: 4/5
Potencia :
Note: 3/5
Velouté :
Note: 4/5
Brillance :
Note: 3/5
Claridad / Definición :
Note: 4/5
Adaptación :
Note: 3/5
Flexibilidad :
Note: 3/5
Relación calidad-precio :
Note: 3/5
Palabras claves : CV-PIR OBL Sol 1/2-3/4 Obligato V 1/2-3/4 4-G/Sol Pirastro argent Boule Estuche Roja Negro Castaño Amarillo

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