Eudoxa Violon 3-D/Ré 16-1/2
Referencia :
CV-PIR EUD Ré 16-1/2
Designación :
Eudoxa Violon 3-D/Ré 16-1/2
Marca :
Descripción :
D wound gut core string 16-1/2 for violin.
The classical violin string with excellent warm sound which offers a high ability of modulation and is a perfect string for all ranges. Pirastro's Eudoxa gut strings are the standard of gut strings, and are the most popular. Eudoxa strings come in many precise gauges. Set includes strings indicated as medium. Available in 4/4 size only.
The classical violin string wound on a gut core. These strings have the following character:
- excellent warm sound which offers a high ability of modulation
- perfect string for all ranges
- quickly tuned
- bright powerful sound
- easy response, brilliant
The classical violin string with excellent warm sound which offers a high ability of modulation and is a perfect string for all ranges. Pirastro's Eudoxa gut strings are the standard of gut strings, and are the most popular. Eudoxa strings come in many precise gauges. Set includes strings indicated as medium. Available in 4/4 size only.
The classical violin string wound on a gut core. These strings have the following character:
- excellent warm sound which offers a high ability of modulation
- perfect string for all ranges
- quickly tuned
- bright powerful sound
- easy response, brilliant
Categoría :
Violin / Cuerdas
Precio (€ TTC/todo incluido) :
32.80 € 48.20 € ( = 27.33 € HT)
Algunas informaciones suplementarias...

Materiales :
boyau / aluminium
Definición :
Corde bien timbrée et claire. Bon qualité sonore générale. L'âme en boyau a toutefois tendance à limiter la durée de vie de la corde. Filage de la corde dans un seul sens
Voltaje(s) disponible(s) (solo tamaño completo) :
16 1/2, 16 3/4, 17
Tipo de atadura. :
Color básico del hilado de abajo (del lado de la cola) :
Color del trenzado de abajo (del lado de la cola) :
Color de top básico (lado del tobillo) :
Acondicionamiento :
De largo
Tono :

Potencia :

Velouté :

Brillance :

Claridad / Definición :

Adaptación :

Flexibilidad :

Relación calidad-precio :

Palabras claves :
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