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Spirocore Alto light 4-C/Ut tungsten

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64.45 € 94.70 €

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Reference :
Name :
Spirocore Alto light 4-C/Ut tungsten
Brand :
Description :
C tungsten wound string for viola, light tension.
• With Spirocore the steel string's technical possibilities have been developed to their maximum.
• Spirocore strings with a spiral steel core Hi-tech, top grade, spiral steel core strings.
• This core has greater elasticity than that of conventional strings, which means less inertia and a higher propensity to musical vibration.
• Equally effective when playing arco or pizzicato.
• The sound is full and homogenous, balanced and voluminous.
• Spirocore's hi-tech core makes for effortless fingering, responsive bowing, stable tuning and a very long string life.
Silk colors:
- Tailpiece end RED
- Peg end RED
Category :
Viola / Strings
Label Aliénor Lutherie :
Price (€ any included tax) :
64.45 € 94.70 €  ( = 53.71 € HT)

Additional information...

Definition :
Très bon Ut, le plus utilisé! Bonne définition, puissant et chaud, velouté agréable, timbre assez riche.
Available Tensions (full size only) :
faible, medium, fort
Type of attach :
Main color of the bottom of the string :
Main color of the top of the string :
Packaging :
Tone :
Note: 5/5
Power :
Note: 4/5
Softness :
Note: 4/5
Shine :
Note: 4/5
Clarity / Definition :
Note: 4/5
Grinding :
Note: 3/5
Flexibility :
Note: 2/5
Value for money :
Note: 5/5
Keywords : CA-THO SPI Ut Wolf L Spirocore Alto light 4-C/Ut tungsten Thomastik faible medium fort Ball Pack Red Yellow

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